AIPG Information on Current Supply Situation of Gum Arabic

UPDATE (4): 27th January, 2025


AIPG members are deeply aware of the challenging and critical situation unfolding in Sudan and sincerely hope for a peaceful resolution soon.





AIPG members are actively monitoring the situation and maintaining close communication with their local contacts. Drawing on decades of experience in the Sudanese market and as producers, importers, and manufacturers of natural gums worldwide, AIPG members are confident that the supply of gum Arabic (aka gum acacia) to end users remains secure and they work continuously to mitigate potential supply disruptions.

Acacia gum represents less than 3% of Sudan’s export since 2019 but it is one of the few Sudanese exports that has been sustained throughout the devastating conflict in the country due to the lack of alternative livelihood options. 6 million people, about 15% of the population of Sudan, depend on the revenue generated from the production of this unique natural resource. This sector is crucial for the local communities, as it allows them to earn revenues and make a living, especially in difficult times. Today, acacia gum is one of the last sources of revenue available for millions of Sudanese people, many of them affected by the conflict. AIPG members are committed to supporting them, as well as the local communities they work with, during this period of civil unrest in Sudan.

In addition, AIPG does not see any evidence of links between acacia gum supply chain and the competing forces. In particular, there is no reason to assume that there might be any financial links between the AIPG members and the political forces, armies and militias involved in the current situation. This product category is of neglectable financial interest to the conflicting parties.




 > >for further information: please download here <<

status 27th January, 2025



AIPG is the international association representing producers, processors and traders in natural tree exudate gums, principally Gum Arabic, Gum Tragacanth, and Gum Karaya.

In 2001, the expanded Association for the International Promotion of Gums was created by a merger of the hitherto existing AIPG and INGAR, the International Natural Gums Association for Research. Today, AIPG is a strong association with members from both producing and consuming countries. Most of the members come from the European Union (EU) and Sahelian African nations, but the United States of America and Japan are also represented. The members work together to further promote the use and image of natural exudate gums in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and technical applications.

In the Focus:

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